About CondomCalculator.com

Finding the right condom size can be tricky - I've been there myself. While searching for solutions, I realized I could scratch my own itch and help others at the same time. Plus, I'm learning to create simple apps, so this felt like a win-win.

CondomCalculator.com is my personal project to provide practical tools for anyone looking to simplify their search for the perfect fit. It features:

I built these tools with modern web technologies like Next.js, TypeScript, and Recharts to ensure smooth functionality and fast performance. The data comes from trusted sources like the Dstats API and the condom database by condom-sizes.org. These reliable datasets keep the results accurate and helpful.


Have questions, feedback, or ideas? I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line at:

condomcalculator [at] protonmail [dot] com


The insights and tools are powered by verified data sources, including:

  • Dstats API: Statistical insights from comprehensive global datasets (dstats.calcsd.info/api/v0/docs/)
  • Condom Database: Curated data on condom sizes and brands from condom-sizes.org.
  • Prause, N., Park, J., Leung, S., & Miller, G. (2015). Women's Preferences for Penis Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models. PLOS ONE, 10(9), e0133079. (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0133079)

Thanks for stopping by! I hope these tools help make your search easier and more informed.